Dilapidation Reports
These are "One" off reports designed to take a snapshot of existing conditions on your site and the surrounding properties including local authority infrastructure that can and may be impacted by works you are about to undertake.

Damage accidental and un-intentional can occur on neighboring properties and adjacent access ways and to infrastructure above and below ground as a direct result of work you are carrying out. A dilapidation report is protection for you as the developer.
A detailed record of conditions prior to any site works commencing is your insurance cover against inaccurate damage claims. As a Builder there have been many occasions when claims with regards damage caused by site activity have been made, and from the most unexpected obscure areas.
Recording conditions both photographically and with written notations is vital in detailing existing conditions and prior damage. A written report carried out by an independent trained construction professional, helps to formalize the document in the event of any legal proceedings arising from complaints over damage to adjacent properties and areas.
If you’re planning a refit of a retail/ commercial outlet, then a record of building conditions is extremely important in covering you upon cessation of the lease in the future for a small fee. Renovations to Units is another area where work to your unit can have a direct impact on adjacent units and common areas including lifts and elevators with very expensive price tags for rectification if you cannot prove your activities did not cause the damage.
Thinking of relocating a home? A dilapidation report is vital to establish condition pre and post relocation, including crossovers and council infrastructure.

Reports are very individual for your specific situation, so please contact
Let’s Take A Look for an accurate $$ Quote to cover the extent of recording that is best going to cover the site and adjacent areas that need documentation before you get underway.
We are your local pre-purchase and building inspection professionals. Explore Let's Take a Look in further detail.